Here are some anonymous testimonials from the amazing women who have been through our program.
"I learned so much about myself in this program. I am a survivor of human trafficking.... like I said I am a survivor! Balance is essential in life. This program delighted me with it's ☯️ approach. I felt the resonating impact for the styles and the practical information I can use in my every day life. Inner and outer strength, now that's a combo. I was touched in my own journey of healing. I learned a much deeper lesson about myself too that I could do physically and mentally more than I thought I was capable of. The women who instructed me I'll never forget they helped me find a self confidence I had forgotten I had. I can't thank them enough!!"
- Cindy
"My only complaint is that I wish this program was longer! I loved every second of the sessions. We would get all of our energy out learning self defense and then get to meditate and stretch in yoga. I learned so much!!"
- Sarah
"I really loved learning about and meditating on the chakras. I did not know what those were before this program but after learning about them, I realize how important they are! I had so much fun overall!"
"My favorite thing I learned in yoga was Box Breathing and in self defense was the "Karate Slam"! It was so much fun these past weeks."
" I really love yoga and self-defense. The instructors are so nice and sweet. I love them and we laugh a lot during sessions. They encourage and empower me to be the best version of myself. During class my favorite thing I learned was a back stretch using a block to help my lower back pain and breathing exercises. 5/5!"
"I enjoyed the breathing techniques the most. I also appreciated the yoga pose modifications. My knees are very bothersome for me and the instructors helped me find ways to protect them during poses."
- Colleen
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